UNWPA代表理事 北川房雄プロフィール

1960年4月23日 北海道夕張市生まれ。


Born April 23, 1960 in Yubari city, Hokkaido.

After graduating from Asahikawa Industry High School, he worked at the Hokkaido Therapeutic Association Medical College, the National Kinesio Taping Association, He also woks in several Colleges “ST · Michael International College , Caritas Family College , the LaSalle Dasma College, and the MRC Chiropractic Academy as an Instructor and Professor.

現在JMA(日本初、旧労働省より短期職業訓練を認可された団体)代表理事会長、日本カイロプラクティック医学会会長、NCC全日本カイロプラクティック施術協同組合代表理事会長、 北海道カイロプラクティック協同組合(北海道知事認可)代表理事、北海道政治経済連代表、全国21世紀の会代表、日本カイロプラクティックドクター師会会長に至る。

JMA (Japan's first organization authorized short-term vocational training by the Ministry of Labor) Dr. Fusao Kitagawa is the Chairman of the Chiropractic Medical Association Japan, Chairman of the NCC All Chiropractic Surgical Cooperative Association Chairman, Chairman of the Hokkaido Chiropractic Cooperative (approved by Government Hokkaido) Representative Director, Representative of Hokkaido Political and Economic Committee, Representative of the Association of the 21st century nationwide, Chairman of Japan Chiropractic Doctor Association.


On June 5, 2010, in Los Angeles City, USA, he was awarded "Commandor Cross " and "Knight " Commandorian Cross From His Most Eminent and Serene Highness Sbigneus Casimirus The Sovereign Prince Grand Master.


In addition, in 2014 received the President Service Award from the White House of the United States of America and the Sir title from the UK government.


In addition, in February 2015 UNITED NATIONS (WORLD HUMAN FACILITY COMMUNITY) appointed Dr. Fusao Kitagawa as Ambassador of UNWHF and EU.

国連組織団体 国際外交団 ノーベルオーダー フォー ヒューマン エクセレンス(略称:国連NOHE)の活動目的は世界の子どもたちの為に、健康・教育をはじめ様々な献身活動を行なっていく団体として2016年10月に立ち上がりました。

当組合会長の北川房雄が日本とフィリピン、そしてアジアの国連NOHE 人権大使プレジデントとして活動してまいります。

President of Nobel Order for Human Excellence (abbreviated as UN NOHE) president for Japan, Philippines, and Asia. UN Human Rights Ambassador .

Dr. Fusao Kitagawa is the prominent Headmaster lecturer at the Japan Chiropractic Medical College in Hokkaido, Japan. He is the Chairman of the Board of Japan Chiropractic Medicine. Dr. Kitagawa holds other important positions at various organizations in Japan. Currently Dr. Kitagawa is the Chairman of JMC, the first approved organization to offer the job trainings. It is approved by the former Ministry of Labor. He is the Chairman of NCC all Japan Chiropractic Co-op. He is the Chairman of Hokkaido Chiropractic Co-op. He is also the Chairman of Hokkaido Politics & Economic Federation. He is the Chairman of Japan Chiropractic Doctor's Association.


院長講師である北川房雄博士は、日本カイロプラクティック医学会の会長である。北川博士は、日本の様々な組織でのその他の重要な位置を保特してる。彼は、現在JMA (日本初、旧労働省より短期職業訓練を認可された団体)施術協同組合代表理事会長。日本カイロプラクティック医学会会長、厚生労働大臣認可全日本カイロプラクティック施術協同組合代表理事会長、北海道カイロプラクティック協同組合(北海道知事認可)代表理事、北海道政治経済連代表、全国21世紀の会代表、日本カイロプラクティックドクター師会会長に至る。

Dr. Kitagawa's goal is to add more life and energy to people's living through a holistic approach. His vision is to maintain the highest quality of life through education of total body wellness. Dr. Kitagawa strongly emphasizes that chiropractic thinks improvement of the body care and psychological counseling.



Dr. Kitgawa's institution volunteers in many ways, such as provide education, assist people in finding employment and support the people to live independently.


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